Author:Haina Machinery Factory FROM:Diaper Machinery Manufacturer TIME:2023-03-30
baby diaper machine china The "four requirements" that maintenance must meet are:
Tools, workpieces and parts are arranged, equipment parts and safety protection devices are complete, and lines and pipes are complete.
The inside and outside of the equipment are clean, no yellow robes, no black oil stains, no bumps on each sliding surface, lead screw, rack, etc., and no oil leakage, water leakage, air leakage, and electricity leakage in all parts; the chips and garbage are cleaned up.
Refuel on time and change the oil. The oil quality meets the requirements. The oil pot, oil gun, oil cup and oil nozzle are complete, the linoleum felt and oil line are clean, the oil mark is bright, and the oil path is smooth.
Personnel, machine and shift system: familiar with the structure of the equipment, comply with the operation and maintenance procedures, use it rationally, carefully maintain it, monitor abnormal conditions, and avoid accidents.
The "four requirements" of baby diaper machine china maintenance are generally recognized regulations in the industry. Whether it is a large factory or a small factory, it should be implemented according to this regulation, so that the best china baby diaper machine maintenance can be achieved.